The Providence Junior Bears are excited to announce the opening of our own 3,000 square foot Off Ice Training Center (OTC). The Bears OTC is centrally located in the Phillipsdale Landing mill complex at 310 Bourne Avenue in East Providence, RI.
The Bears OTC will be equipped with shooting stations, stick-handling pads, slide boards, a workout area and a deck hockey rink.
We are targeting one off ice practice session per week throughout the season for most Bears travel teams from Mite-Bantam. Coaches will also be able to schedule additional off ice practices as the team's ice schedule and OTC availability allow.
The OTC is currently being filled with training equipment and supplies. To the right are some photographs of our progress.
We would like to say a special thanks to the following, who dedicated many of their evenings and weekends to make the OTC a reality. Thank you Steve Axon, Joe Baxter, Neil Cameron, Brian Ferreira, Mike Gagner, Erik Johnson, Chris Lambert, Scott Lindsay, John Mahoney, Chris McNamara, Jay Messier, Dave Paller and Mike Tracey.